Todd’s 2022–2023 Generosity Letter

Dear UUCS Friend,

The grass is greening, trees are beginning to bud, and other plants are now emerging from the warming soil. We too are emerging from the stillness of winter, ready to spring to life again by becoming more active outdoors, in our yards, in … read more.

Chorale Coeur d’Alene is coming to UUCS!

Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.

Chorale Coeur d’Alene presents America Sings of Faith and Liberty, a concert of patriotic and spiritual anthems.

With familiar ballads such as Shenandoah and Cindy (a barn-dance), the 60-member Chorale will provide an energetic, uplifting and beautiful experience through truly … read more.

Service Opportunity

Saturday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. at People’s Park

Calling all UUCS members, friends and families for another service opportunity! We will meet at People’s Park on Saturday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. to participate in the Spokane Riverkeeper’s public clean-up.

What to … read more.

April 7, 2022

Please do join us for this week’s services with Rev. Dr. Finley C. Campbell, a black Baptist minister and longtime UU, on the best tactics to use to reduce racism! Personally, I’m very excited to learn from him about this important subject. In the last … read more.

Catherine Trestrail

Catherine is a transplant from Seattle where she spent the majority of her adulthood after a childhood living in Seattle; Tacoma; Portland; Boise; Menlo Park, California; McLean, Virginia, and then back to Seattle at age 15. She’s a clinical social worker and completed her undergraduate … read more.

Dan McLay

Dan is 70. He grew up in the Detroit area. His family helped settle that city starting in 1701.

Dan got started in political activism in 1967 when he was 15. He comes by it honestly. His great uncle was U.S. Vice President during World War … read more.

Elinor Enz

Elinor lived in New Jersey for the first 21 years of her life, one of six children, then married and moved to upstate New York where her three children were born. The family spent a year in Adelaide, South Africa, on a teaching exchange, then … read more.

March 26, 2022

Rev. Palkó responds to our partner church service of March 6 which was designed to be shared with the Felsőrákos congregation.

Dear Jerry, Julie and Team!

When I recorded the video, I already knew it was long, and that’s here in Transylvania, what the saying is that … read more.