Online Donations:

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Enter the dollar amount at the top, notations can be made in the “Comments” box on the second page.

Thoughts on Giving

Giving is one of life’s great satisfactions, especially when you know that your gifts will improve the lives of others. As members and friends of UUCS, many of us give of our time, talent and resources in many different ways. Whether it is volunteer work or making an annual pledge, these are the gifts that maintain the daily operation of our church and continue our valuable community outreach programs. Help us fulfill our mission: Create Community, Find Meaning, Work for Justice. UUCS is a growing church and requires strong support from all its members and friends at whatever level you can afford. We thank you for your generosity.


Give annually: A pledge is an important part of being a member at UUCS. This allows us to plan annually and fund our many valued programs in order to fulfill our mission: Create Community. Find Meaning. Work for Justice. For more on pledging and how to make a pledge click HERE.

Single Gifts

Give in the moment: Our online Sunday collection plate. You can make your weekly gift online or mail a check directly to the church. Make donations as the spirit moves you. To use our online donations option click HERE. 

Endowment Donations

Give for the long term: Make a gift to the UUCS Endowment. All unspecified bequests and memorial gifts made to UUCS go toward our endowment. To learn more, visit our Endowment page HERE or contact a member of the Board of Trustees or Endowment Team.

Bite to Go

Support our Community: Currently, UUCS members are supporting 25+ students at the Balboa Elementary School with food kits which they take home for the weekends. To sponsor a student for the 2019 school term, a one-time donation of $180.00, or a monthly donation of $15.00 to the UUCS will be gladly accepted.

Special Collections

Make a Difference: In the fall of 2006 we began living out the vision that it is our mission to make a difference in our world, not just as individuals, but as a church community. It was with that intent that we began our monthly Special Collections. Our Special Collections are coordinated by our Social Justice Council. Each month the monies collected go to a designated organization or church outreach effort. The Special Collection is held on the third Sunday of the month during church services. You can mail in your donation to the church at any time or donate online. *Please include “Special Collection” or the name of the organization on the comments line of your donation.

We have held, and continue to hold special collections for many different organizations such as: Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, NAMI Spokane, Transitions, Vets for Peace, Odyssey Youth Movement, Compassionate Addiction Treatment Spokane, Spokane AIDS Network, Spokane PRIDE, Meals on Wheels, River City Youth Ops, Freedom Project East, our Minister’s Discretionary Fund, Crosswalk Youth Shelter, and many others.