Speaker: Rev. Craig Moro

Rev. Craig Moro is a graduate of the University of Chicago and Starr King School for the Ministry. He has lived and studied in India, Singapore, Thailand, the Netherlands, and Japan. He has served churches in California, Illinois, and the Pacific Northwest and is a founding member of the Tri-Cities Interfaith Alliance in Washington. He now lives in Portland where he has recently been named Minister Emeritus after serving Wy’east UU Congregation for six years.

His sermons are often informed by readings in the original languages of religious texts (including Arabic, Hebrew, and Tamil) and are known for blending scholarship with plain speech and a sense of humor.

Friend, Why Are You Here?

In this guest sermon, Reverend Moro will discuss two early founders of the Unitarian movement from the 1500s, Francis David and Giorgio Biandrata. Rev. Moro writes, “They were masters at using new communications media to tweak the sensibilities of the religious conservatives of their day. … read more.