Speaker: Rev. Craig Moro

The Rev. Craig Moro recently moved to NE Portland from Salem. Before becoming Wy’east’s half-time minister he served as consulting minister to Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Pasco, Washington, where he helped to establish a thriving interfaith coalition. (Members include the local mosque, synagogue, and Sikh congregations as well as UU and UCC churches.) Prior to his nine years at CUUC, he served Quimper UU Fellowship in Port Townsend as well as congregations in central Illinois and California. He is delighted to serve Wy’east UU Congregation as our minister since 2016!

Rev. Moro is a graduate of the University of Chicago and Starr King School for the Ministry. He has studied music, language, and religious expression in India and Thailand. He has led courses on Islam at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and Illinois Wesleyan University. He has also taught woodworking skills, and served as assistant editor of a woodworking magazine (see his pulpit carving commissioned by the UU Congregation of Salem, below). He loves to fish and to tell stories, and particularly enjoys telling fish stories! He looks forward to getting to know you, and hearing your stories, too.

Friend, Why Are You Here?

In this guest sermon, Reverend Moro will discuss two early founders of the Unitarian movement from the 1500s, Francis David and Giorgio Biandrata. Rev. Moro writes, “They were masters at using new communications media to tweak the sensibilities of the religious conservatives of their day. … read more.