Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

The Singularity

What is the Singularity? When will it arrive? What will life be like and what will become of humanity when it arrives? Futurist, inventor, and scientist Ray Kurzweil say the coming technological singularity is near—nearer than we think. In this sermon, I’ll discuss what this … read more.

Don’t Lie to Yourself

When Polonius tells Laertes, “To thine own self be true” in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, he was advising him to do what he believes is right by remaining true to his values no matter the circumstances. That’s good advice, but this saying could also be taken … read more.

A Conversation with AI about AI

In this sermon, I’ll talk about some of the benefits of and concern about Artificial intelligence by going straight to the source. My response to common questions about job replacement, human ethics, and AI taking over the world will be based on my conversations with … read more.

Somewhere Under the Rainbow

I was deeply moved by Rachea Thomas’s January 12 rendition of “Over the Rainbow.” While listening, I felt deep longing for the better kind of world I dream of; the longing and dream that is behind all my sermons. I also realized that it can’t … read more.

United We Fall, Divided We Stand

Social psychologists have long understood that human beings crave unity in our need for belonging. The age-old phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” became an American motto after Abraham Lincoln used it during his second inaugural speech. In this sermon we’ll explore the opposite … read more.