Speaker: Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

UUCS Minister

Conversations with Todd

This is an opportunity to ask questions regarding topics Rev. Eklof has or hasn’t spoken about from the pulpit. As a Sunday service, he will not address church business matters during this time, but does enjoy fielding a wide range of thoughtful questions.

Preaching to the Preacher

My sermons are most often about the things I’m interested in and learning about when I give them. I am a part of my own audience. Each year, at the start of a new church year, I like to consider which sermon topics and insights … read more.

“Except for all the Rest”

Although it’s not precisely what he said, Winston Churchill is often quoted as saying, “Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all the others.” Today we take our Democracy for granted and most of us think we know what democracy is and should … read more.

Does Equality Still Matter?

As we celebrate Pride Week, including all that we have accomplished over the years on behalf of those in the LGBT community, it seems a good occasion to consider the changing attitudes toward equality itself. Some are now emphasizing equity more than equality. Some on … read more.

Manure + Thorns = Roses

As we look ahead toward another church year, we ought to remember the recipe for success that has gotten us this far. The ingredients aren’t always pleasant, a little crap here, some pain there, and we emerge better off. We have to push through the … read more.