Author: AdminUUCS

Bite 2 Go: Help Us Fight Childhood Hunger

One out of five kids in Eastern Washington is at risk of hunger, and without food assistance from their school, many of these children often face the weekend uncertain about where their next meal will come from. Through the 2nd Harvest, Bite 2 Go program, … read more.

Balazs Bequest

Your Endowment Team is pleased to report a gift of $12,250 from the estate of Rosemary Balazs, who for decades was a member of our church along with her prominent artist husband Harold Balazs.

It was the Balazs’ long-time affiliation with UUCS that resulted in the … read more.

Want to know more about Israel/Palestine?

Join the Spokane Chapter of the Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East as we delve into Why Palestine Matters: The Struggle to End Colonialism, a workbook making plain the Palestinians’ fight for justice is grounded in international law. And that it matters.

Book … read more.

August 2023

Our special collection for this month will be for Crosswalk.

Crosswalk, a program of Volunteers of America was founded in 1985 and provides a comprehensive system of care for runaway and homeless youth (RHY) in Spokane, Washington, serving more than 500 … read more.

June 29, 2023

Verne Windham, a musician I admire, was known at KPBX as a “creative messy.” I understand that his desk was almost always piled high with papers and he was the only one who could find anything on it! I, too, have those questionable habits and … read more.

Meaningful Movie for May

Please join us on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. for our May Meaningful Movie event in person and on Zoom. We will be watching the first and fifth episodes of a series entitled Housing & Help documenting the challenges and possibilities for Spokane’s … read more.

On Brain Heath from Tom Mosher

As many of you know, Mary, my wife and life partner since high school, our children and I are on an Alzheimer’s journey, and have been for the last seven or so years.

You also may know, 1 out of 3 persons will directly or indirectly … read more.

Dan Eacret’s Award Winning Art

A round of congratulations goes to UUCS member Dan Eacret for winning First Prize in this year’s Spokane Watercolor Society competition. Dan’s painting, Quiet City, was displayed at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture this spring in the 2023 national juried show.

Dan’s roots are … read more.