Author: AdminUUCS

April 2023

The Vanessa Behan is the recipient of our special collection the month of April. Vanessa Behan’s vision is to provide immediate refuge for children and support to strengthen families. They have set up a special donation link at if you’d … read more.

April 6, 2023

This coming Sunday, April 9, is Easter and our music for the day will be split between the holiday and the sermon topic. Music through the Offertory will celebrate the day with spring and Easter songs, including one that some of you might remember. Chickery … read more.

Problem Solvers Needs Participants

The Monday Problem Solvers group needs participants to continue meeting. Since COVID-19 we’ve been meeting by Zoom. To resume meeting in person a new facilitator is needed. WHO? YOU? Mondays precludes a lot of working people from joining in, so generally it’s an older crowd.

Even … read more.

March 23, 2023

Don’t miss our next guest speaker, Jermaine Williams, this coming Sunday, March 26! This will be a chance for all of us to see and hear a man who transformed himself in prison and came out to help other former inmates find their best selves—a … read more.

NAMI Peer to Peer Course

There are still spots open in NAMI’s upcoming Peer-to-Peer course.

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free, 8-session educational program for adults with mental illness who are looking to better understand their condition and journey toward recovery.

This 8-week course taught by trained peers on a similar journey … read more.

March 12, 2023

On March 5 we learned from Rev. Todd’s interview with Rev. Előd Szabó, a District Dean in Transylvania, that our Unitarian partners had called a new minister, their first woman. In fact Rev. Mónika Kerekes preached for the first time from the Felsőrákos pulpit that … read more.

Endowment Team News March 9, 2023

Your Endowment Team is pleased to report that gifts totaling $10,150 have been received in memory of Dr. William “Bill” Greene, a beloved church member who died on January 21. A major gift of $10,000 came from Bill’s wife Linda, with additional donations from Donna … read more.

Board of Trustees Nominations

The Nominating Committee, consisting of Nancy Avery, Bette Brattebo and Jan Wingenroth will be contacting church members soon to fill four positions on the Board of Trustees. One position will be a 1-year term to fill the vacancy following Darl Vander Linden’s resignation, the other … read more.